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Qustions 1:
Under the discounted cash flow approach, the project is acceptable if the--

a.Sum of the net present value of all estimated cash flow over the life of the project equals the profit
b. Present value of the inflow is greater that the present value of the outflow by a specified amount or percentage
c. Net present value of all future expected cash flow divided by the initial cash investment is greater than one
d. Payback period occurs by the second year of the project

Qustions 3:

At a minimum, the project charter should--

a. Describe the responsibilities and authority of the project manager and functional managers
b. Discuss the risks and constraints of the project and the plan to address those concerns
c. Designate the organizational structure of the project
d. State the business goals of the performing organization

Qustions 5:

A scope change is one that--

a.Modifies the project’s agreed-upon scope as defined by the WBS
b. Results in a change to all project baselines
c. Requires adjustments to cost, time, quality, and other objectives
d. Results in a lesson learned

Qustions 2:
A work package is a--

a. Deliverable at the lowest level of the WBS
b. Task with a unique identifier
c. Required level of reporting
d. Task that can be assigned to more that one organizational unit

Qustions 4:

The purpose of the review of deliverables and project performance at the conclusion of a project phase is to--

a. Determine how many resources are required to complete the project according to the project baseline
b. Adjust the schedule and cost baselines based on past performance
c. Obtain customer acceptance of project deliverables
d. Determine whether the project should continue to the next phase

Qustions 6:

Ideally, the project manager should be selected and assigned --

a.During the initiating process
b.During the project planning process
c.At the end of the concept phase of the project life cycle
d.Prior to the beginning of the development phase of the project life cycle
发布:2007-03-02 10:57    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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