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摘 要:近年来,各地小型农村水利改革蓬勃发展,创造了许多新的经验,取得了一定成效。如何推动改革深入健康进行,使农村水利建设与管理的政策逐步完善,走上正规化、法制化轨道,需要对改革思路和深层次政策问题进行认真研究。作者在这里谈几点看法,供参考。 Pick to: in recent years, around the small rural water conservancy reform of booming development, created many new experiences, and achieved some results. How to promote the further health reform, the policy gradually improve rural water conservancy construction and management, normalization and legalization orbit, in-depth reform train of thought and policy issues have to be careful study. The author talk about some views, here for your reference.   关键词:小型农村水利;改革;思路 Key words: small rural water conservancy; Reform; Train of thought    一、小型农村水利的特点与性质 A, the characteristics and nature of small rural water conservancy    (一)小型农村水利的特点 (a) the characteristics of small rural water conservancy   通常把灌溉面积1万亩、除涝面积3万亩、渠道流量1立方米每秒以下的工程界定为小型农村水利工程。小型农村水利工程种类和功能很多,大体可归纳为以下几类:小水库、塘坝、水池等蓄水设施,小型拦河闸坝、引水闸、截潜流等引水设施,渠道、管道、闸门等输水配水设施,渡槽、隧洞、倒虹吸、桥、涵等交叉建筑物,泵站、机井等提水设施,灌水沟、畦、喷灌、滴灌、闸管、“小白龙”等田间灌水设施,保护村镇、农田的小型圩堤、河道堤防等防洪设施,排水闸、排涝泵站、排水沟、地下暗管等排涝降渍设施,乡村自来水厂、水窖等生活供水设施。据不完全统计,全国约有2000万处小型农村水利工程。 Usually the irrigation area of 10000 mu, and waterlogged area of 30000 mu, channel flow under 1 cubic meters per second as small rural water conservancy project engineering. Small species of rural water conservancy projects and many functions, can be roughly divided into the following categories: small reservoir and shuitangba, pools, such as water storage facilities, small DAMS and sluice gate structure, water diversion sluice, cut the undercurrent water diversion facilities, such as channels, pipe, valve and other water water distribution facilities, aqueduct, tunnel, inverted siphon, bridge, culvert, such as cross structures, pump stations, water facilities such as the shaft, irrigation ditch, strip, sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, brake pipe, such as "little white dragon" field irrigation facilities, small towns, farmland protection WeiDi dikes, river flood control facilities, such as outlet, drainage pumping stations, drainage and underground drainage tubes drainage JiangZi facilities, rural waterworks, water cellar life water supply facilities, etc. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 20 million small rural water conservancy projects in the country.   小型农村水利的特点:一是地位作用重要,需要高度重视。二是群众性强,需要广大农民参与。三是公益性较强,需要政府扶持。四是具有垄断性,需要政府加强宏观管理。农村水利设施多地处农田荒野,无人值守;风吹日晒雨淋,易老化损坏;土方工程多,维护工作量大。除生活供水工程外,多数工程季节性使用。农村水利的建设与管理需要在政府的规划与计划指导下有序进行。
发布:2007-07-28 09:26    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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