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摘要:大型企业的之间的兼并、收购一直是业界关注的焦点,因为这不仅事关并购方与被并购方的发展规划与前景,也会影响到整个行业的格局变动,同时对行业内产生示范作用。 大型企业的之间的兼并、收购一直是业界关注的焦点,因为这不仅事关并购方与被并购方的发展规划与前景,也会影响到整个行业的格局变动,同时对行业内产生示范作用。

近期,全球最具影响力的建筑设计企业之一HOK建筑设计公司对美国360建筑事务所的收购动作正在有条不紊的进行。建筑畅言网记者专程采访了HOK全球副总裁Bill Hellmuth和HOK亚太区董事总经理Riccardo Mascia,希望能够进一步了解收购细节,以及这次收购事件可能为建筑设计业界带来的影响。

The merging and acquisition among big enterprises is always the focus of the industry, as it relates not only to the parties directly involved, but also to the pattern of the whole industry. 

HOK, one of the most influential architectural design firm is recently undertaking acquisition of 360 Architecture. Archcy.com has exclusively interviewed Bill Hellmuth, vice president of HOK, as well as Riccardo Mascia, managing director of HOK’s Asia Pacific practice, who have introduced acquisition details and expected impact on the architectural design world.

HOK全球副总裁Bill Hellmuth


Over the past half century of development, how many big changes or transitions has HOK experienced? What was the opportunity behind each? 

Bill Hellmuth:在过去的60年里,HOK一方面靠自身的有机生长,一方面通过在全球兼并数家事务所获得了长足的发展。历史而言,与其他公司结成伙伴关系或通过进入新兴市场促成了公司的规模壮大。



Over the past 60 years, HOK has grown both organically and by acquiring several firms across the world. Partnerships with other firms and movement into emerging markets have historically driven the firm’s expansion. 

Prior to announcing our plans to acquire 360 Architecture, we greatly enhanced our hospitality design practice in December 2013, when architecture and interior design firm BBG-BBGM’s Shanghai and New York employees joined HOK. 

HOK’s strong, strategically located network of offices across the world, combined with our internationally recognized market experts, position us for success. Our focus on quality and diversity has enabled our practice to thrive during economic downturns in specific markets or regions.


What is HOK’s management philosophy? 

Bill Hellmuth:为了向所有客户提供卓越的设计方案和思想领导力,HOK不仅从全球各地多个重点区域、同时从像体育+娱乐、战略客户、航空+交通、医疗、酒店、司法、市政+文化、教育和科学+技术等特定的战略市场调配公司范围内的专家人才,为客户提供多专业的一体化设计服务。这种矩阵型的组织方式使我们能将在某一特定建筑类型方面的全球专业经验,结合本地文化和施工领域的具体知识呈现给每一位客户。通过在全球范围内分享最佳实践经验、工具和技术,我们的实体团队不受地域边界上的任何限制。


To serve all clients with design excellence and thought leadership, HOK offers multidisciplinary design services from offices in key regional markets and specialist firm-wide practices in strategic markets including Sports + Entertainment, Strategic Accounts, Aviation + Transportation, Healthcare, Hospitality, Justice, Civic + Cultural, Education and Science + Technology. This matrix organization enables us to bring global expertise in specific building types and services as well as detailed knowledge of local cultures and construction markets to each client. Linked by shared best practices, tools and technology, our virtual teams have no geographic boundaries.

This structure supports a wide range of opportunities for professional growth and advancement. Multiple career paths are open to all of HOK’s people, with no limit to their development.

发布:2007-11-10 14:48    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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