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      摘 要 虽然,职业安全卫生在其硬件、管理及人的行为规范方面取得了较大成效,但在世界范围内,意外职业伤亡事故的严峻形势仍令人十分担忧。随着科技进步、工业发展和社会文明的要求,本世纪80 年代,有人提出安全文化的理论。在国内一些工业企业中,大量的实践证明,安全文化建设是做好职业安全卫生工作的基础,也是大众安全及社区安全的基础。笔者 分析了中国安全文化建设产生的背景,研究了弘扬和传播安全文化的途径,提出了当代人应树立跨世纪的安全科技文化新观点。  关键词 安全 文化 建设 科技 观点  Abstract Although significant advancement has been achieved in the aspects of hardware, management and rule of human behavior in the field of occupational safety and health, worldwidely speaking, we are still worrying about the serious situation of the accidental occupational injuries. As a demand of the progress in science and technology, development of the industry and social civilization, the theory of safety culture was put forward in 1980′s. Wide practice in industrial enterprises in China has proved that construction of safety culture is the basis of occupational safety and health to be well-done, and also the foundation of the public and community safety.    After analyzing the background of the blossom of safety culture construction in


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发布:2007-11-17 14:32    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]


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